
Ms. Karen

Hi! My name is Karen Armetta (or as every kiddo calls me around the
school “the Duck teacher”) and this is my fifth year at Little
Blessings, and my 10th year teaching two-year-olds. I am married to
a wonderful husband who is always looking for golf buddies, and
have two daughters ages 11 and 8. When I am not playing,
snuggling, singing, crafting, or reading to small children, you can find
me in the mountains, playing tennis, or coaching my daughters
sports teams. I have a Communication and Marketing degree from
Regis University, but ever since I graduated I was a nanny. Then,
when my oldest was born I stayed home for a year, and then started
working at a preschool in Littleton. Once we moved to Parker, I got
connected with Little Blessings and have loved it ever since. Over
the summer months, I work for the Town of Parker coaching kids
sports camps, or being a counselor at the Parker Fieldhouse for their
Daycamp program. People look at me like I am crazy when I say I
teach two year olds! But I love this age because of how quickly they
change, grow, and their excitement for the smallest things. I am
looking forward to another year of fun!

Ms. Jackie

Hi friends. My name is Ms. Jackie. This is my 3rd year teaching at Little Blessings. I am also a Makeup Artist and even used to be a Dolphin Trainer! I have 2 kiddos, Everly (8) and Hunter (6). They both attended Little Blessings too. We moved to Colorado from Hawaii 6 years ago and love calling CO home. I enjoy being outdoors with my family (especially at Disneyland), planning events and parties in my neighborhood, shopping and crafting. I am so excited to get to know you and your family this year. We are going to have so much fun learning and growing together.

Teachers Favorite Things!!!

Jackie T.

Karen A.


